Five Most Common Injuries Caused by Slipping on Ice

Five Most Common Injuries Caused by Slipping on Ice

Winter is a great time to enjoy the outdoors and get outside for some exercise, but it comes with a potential and even inevitable risk of injury. The most common injuries associated with winter are usually caused by slipping or falling on ice. While these can be serious if not treated properly, they are generally very easy to treat at home. This article discusses the most common injuries caused by slipping on ice.

Broken Bones

Slipping on ice can cause fractures in your body. If you fall on an outstretched hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder, knee, ankle, foot, or leg, then you may experience a broken bone. You should seek medical attention immediately after any type of fracture occurs.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Falling on ice can also injure your spinal cord. A spinal cord injury happens when something compresses or damages the nerves that run through your spine. It can happen from many different causes, including car accidents, sports injuries, falls, and other incidents. Even though this type of injury is rare, it can be extremely dangerous because it can lead to paralysis or even death. Seek immediate medical help if you suspect that you have suffered a spinal cord injury.

Shoulder Separation and Rotator Cuff Injuries

If you fall on ice and twist your arm, shoulder, or neck, you could suffer from a shoulder separation or a rotator cuff tear. These injuries can be painful and take weeks or months to heal. They can also cause permanent damage to your shoulder joint.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) happens when there is a severe impact on your head that results in bleeding inside your skull. TBIs can range from mild to severe, depending on how much blood gets into your brain. Mild TBIs often result in headaches and dizziness, while more severe cases can result in seizures, memory loss, coma, or death.

Wrist Fractures and Breaks

When you fall on ice, you can break your wrist or forearm. Your wrist bones are connected by ligaments, which allow them to move freely. When you fall on ice, the force of the impact can pull one or both of those ligaments apart, causing your wrist to bend abnormally. This can make it difficult to use your hands again.

What To Do After the Injury

Slip and fall injuries can be quite serious. For that reason, and especially if the fall was due to another’s negligence, you might need a personal injury cash advance right away so you can pay for medical bills and other expenses. Fortunately, personal injury attorneys know that people who suffer from slip and fall injuries often receive compensation for their pain and suffering, lost wages, and other costs. With the help of a qualified attorney, you can recover money for all your losses.

The above are the five most common injuries caused by slipping on ice. Be sure to always wear proper footwear when walking on icy surfaces and check weather reports before heading outdoors.

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