When you’re injured in an accident by fault of another party, you should not be responsible for paying your medical bills, court costs, and any other expenses that arise along the way. Instead, the person who caused your injuries should pay the price. In most personal injury cases, there’s no need to go to court if you can come to an agreement on a settlement.
Read on to learn three mistakes to avoid during settlement negotiations.
Being Unprepared
Understanding your personal injury case completely is crucial to the success of negotiations. The other side wants to pay you as little as possible, and they’ll use every opportunity to make that happen. If you arrive without the full picture, your opposition will make your weakness their strength, and you’ll walk away with less money than you deserve.
Negotiating Alone
Lawyers are expensive, but you shouldn’t arrive at negotiations without one. They know what to say and when to say it, and they’re your best bet for getting the money you’re owed. If you try to move forward on your own without significant legal experience, you’re leaving a lot of money on the table (and you may wind up going to court regardless).
Not Having Proper Funding
Even if your case doesn’t go to court, attorneys are expensive. Since you already have medical bills and potentially even lost wages to worry about, legal fees can seem like one too many things. That’s where litigation financing comes in. Apogee Capital Partners can help you afford all your ongoing expenses, and the best part is this isn’t a loan.
With loans, you have to repay the money no matter what. With us, you don’t need to consider repayment until you win your settlement (and therefore have plenty of money to pay us back)!
Now that you know these three mistakes to avoid during settlement negotiations, come to the table prepared with a fantastic lawyer. They’ll guide you through the process and make sure you get the money you’re owed.